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Post by Zubivka »

On 2002-10-02 21:05, OutOfBreath wrote:
Our ability to laugh at ourselves is essential to happiness and, personally, I believe it comes naturally.
The all-too-rare ability to laugh at oneself is called humour.
Ability to laugh at the others is merely derision.
I believe we have to have someone <b>teach</b> us to take offense so easily.
An executive in a big American company once privately complained about "sexual harrassment" ban policy in his company. Allegedly, this Bostonian business went as far as to pay the employees a Training in sexual harrassment awareness, with a teacher explaining why you were being harrassed even when you did not suspect it. After attending these trainings, our executive said he hired an elderly unattractive spinster as secretary to limit suspicions, and got wise enough to avoid casual remarks like "Oh, Maggie, you got a new hairdo today?".
This was told about 10 years ago. The company went bankrupt (Chapter 11) last year and maybe the two facts are unrelated.
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Post by mike.r »

Moses went back up the mountain.`Excuse me,God,I just want to get this straight.The Arabs get all the oil,and we get to cut the ends off our what????´

Taoism:^^it happens
Protestantism: Let ++it happen to someone else
Catholicism: If ++it happens,you deserved it Judaism:Why does **it always happen to us?
Atheism:No ( )it
TV Evangelism:Send more $$it
Budhism: If °°it happens,its not really °°it
Zen Budhism:What is the sound of !#it happening?
Jehovahs Witnessism:We can only take so much %%it
Hinduism:This :smile::)it happened before. :wink: Mike
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Post by Walden »

Okay, here's one for Dale's jokes with whistles in them idea:

Five clergymen got together for a session. The Episcopal priest on fiddle, the Rabbi on uillean pipes, the Primitive Baptist elder on tweaked Generation D whistle, the Methodist minister on bodhran, and the Pentecostal Holiness preacher on low D bent-neck Susato.

On a break, the Methodist minister says, "Good playing boys. You know I've been thinking, the Bible says we are to confess our faults one to another. In our calling we don't really get to do that much."

The Episcopalian vicar speaks up about this time and says, "Something's just been nagging at me. I'd like to go ahead and let it out. I know we are supposed to have switched to the 1979 Book of Common Prayer, and I told the bishop we did, but secretly, when I'm observing Morning and Evening Prayer in private, I use the 1928 BCP. I guess I'm a closet traditionalist... Man! It felt good to get that one off my chest!"

Next spoke up the Pentecostal Holiness pastor, "We Holiness people aren't supposed to drink, but one day I was at a wedding, and somebody spiked the punch. I'd never tasted such a thing, but when I tried it I liked it, and finished off the cup. My congregation would never understand."

The rabbi spoke up, "My people would never understand this, we are not a Reform congregation, but sometimes I get a craving for Baken-et's, and sometimes just go out and eat a whole bag. I first tried pork rinds as a child, when I stayed with relatives who were not kosher, and I've had this secret addiction all these years and kept it bottled up... Thanks for listening."

The next one to speak up was the Primitive Baptist elder. He said, "Well fellas, y'all know what the Bible says about lust...and I believe it...I really do. But I just really have a thing for Andrea Corr. Her whistle playing is nothing to write home about, I just fancy her. I've got a collection of her pictures, and set my VCR to record every time they're on television. Be praying for me."

Finally the Methodist minister spoke again, "I have a problem too. I've had it all my life. It eats at me. The thing is, I'm an incurable gossip, and I just can't wait to get back to town."
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Post by Walden »

You know you've spent too much time on the Board when...

• You hear someone say "Oh, he's glued to the tube," and you assume it was a tweaking mishap.

• You go to a session, and everyone calls you by your C&F screen name.

• You're at work, and you preface a comment with "OT."

• You get your <i>Compuserve Classic</i> bill, and your monthly payment is $692.48.
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Post by TelegramSam »

Toy Theory of Religion

Comparison of Religious Theory in the Late 20th Century

Capitalism - He who dies with the most toys, wins.
Hari Krishna - He who plays with the most toys, wins.
Catholicism - He who denies himself the most toys, wins.
Anglican - They were our toys first.
Greek Orthodox - No, they were OURS first.
Branch Davidians - He who dies playing with the biggest toys, wins.
Atheism - There is no toy maker.
Polytheism - There are many toy makers.
Evolutionism - The toys made themselves.
Church of Christ, Scientist - We are the toys.
Communism - Everyone gets the same number of toys, and you go straight to
hell if we catch you selling yours.
B'Hai - All toys are just fine with us.
Amish - Toys with batteries are surely a sin.
Taoism - The doll is as important as the dumptruck.
Mormonism - Every boy can have as many toys as he wants.
Voodoo - Let me borrow that doll for a second.
Hedonism - To heck with the rule book!? Let's play!
Hinduism - He who plays with bags of plastic farm animals, loses.
7th Day Adventist - He who plays with his toys on Saturday, loses.
Church of Christ - He whose toys make music, loses.
Baptist - Once played, always played.
Jehovah's Witnesses - He who sells the most toys door-to-door, wins.
Pentecostalism - He whose toys can talk, wins.
Existentialism - Toys are a figment of your imagination.
Confucianism - Once a toy is dipped in the water, it is no longer dry.
Non-denominationalism - We don't care where the toys came from, let's just
play with them.
Agnosticism - It is not possible to know whether toys make a bit of
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Post by TomB »

On 2002-10-03 11:52, TelegramSam wrote:
Toy Theory of Religion

So, in keeping with the Dale's "whistle related jokes" idea, you simply substitute "whistles" wherever you see "toys."
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Post by burnsbyrne »

Waaay OT but very funny! If you have a minute or two take a look at this:
Ask the pilot
By Patrick Smith

http://www.salon.com/tech/col/smith/200 ... index.html

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Post by The Weekenders »

Brass lawyers....yeah!
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Post by WhistlingGypsy »

A Scotsman, an Italian, and an Irishman are in a bar. They are having a good
time and all agree that the bar is a nice place. There's even a whistle player in the corner...
Then the Scotsman says, "Aye,
this is a nice bar, but where I come from, back in Glasgee, there's a better
one. At MacDougal's, you buy a drink, you buy another drink, and MacDougal
himself will buy your third drink!" The others agree that sounds like a good

Then the Italian says, "Yeah, dat's a nice bar, but where I come from, dere's a
better one. Over in Brooklyn, see, dere's dis place, Vinny's. At Vinny's, ya
buy's a drink, Vinny buys ya a drink. You buy's anudda drink, Vinny buys ya
anudda drink." Everyone agrees that sounds like a great bar.

Then the Irishman says, "You tink dat's great? Where Oi come from in Dublin,
dere's dis place called Murphy's. At Murphy's, dey buy you your forst drink, dey
buy you your second drink, dey buy you your tird drink, and den, dey take you in
de back and get you laid!" ....

"Wow!" say the other two. "That's fantastic! Did that actually happen to you?"

"No," replies the Irish guy, "but it happened to me sister!"
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Post by Redwolf »

Well, as far as PC goes, I have yet to meet a member of the clergy who didn't enjoy a roaring good laugh, and some of the best Episcopalian jokes I've heard have come from the pulpit (usually told to the priest by a colleague from another denomination). We 'Piskies love to poke fun at ourselves, and don't particularly mind when others do so as well, so long as they aren't being deliberately mean-spirited. One of my favorite websites used to be the late, lamented "Ecculaugh"...a multi-denominational humor archive.

Anyway, here are a few of my favorites (appropriately edited :wink: )

A young Anglican clergyman received his first posting...to the mission fields of the Congo. When he arrived at the airport, full of zeal and loaded down with Bibles, Prayer Books and his beloved CLARKE D, with which he hoped to while away the lonely hours so far from dear old England, he was distressed to find that no one was there to meet him and guide him to the remote village that was to be his outpost. Undaunted, he set off into the jungle alone, clutching his map. Soon, of course, he was hopelessly lost. After wandering around for a while, he decided to sit down on a log and play a few hymns to bolster his sinking spirits. Suddenly, halfway through his third repetition of "Be Thou My Vision" (aka "Slane"), he heard a low growl. Looking cautiously over his shoulder, he saw a lion, poised to pounce. Knowing he could never hope to outrun the beast, he resorted to prayer. "O Most Gracious Lord," he prayed, "Please make the wild beast behind me a CHRISTIAN lion!" Peeking once again over his shoulder, he was relieved to see the creature kneeling (inasmuch as a lion can kneel), his huge paws pressed reverently together, and his maned head bowed in humility. His relief vanished, however, when he heard what the lion was praying:

"For what I am about to receive, may the Good Lord make me truly thankful."


Answer: 11

1 opratic soprano to stand on the shoulders of the mezzos and grasp the bulb in the hopes that the world will revolve around her.

5 altos to whine "but it's too HIGH!"

3 traditionalist baritones to complain: "I always said that candles were better!"

1 bored tenor to say "Isn't that the sexton's job?"

1 WHISTLE PLAYING baritone to roll his eyes, shrug his shoulders, mumble "for this I missed another session?", fetch the ladder from the crypt and change the *%$# bulb.

And finally, I submit for your delectation, the...

(sung to the tune of "The Church's One Foundation")

Our church is mighty spikey,
with smells and bells and chants,
And Palestrina masses
that vex the Protestants.
O happy ones and holy
who fall upon their knees
For solemn Benediction
And mid-week Rosaries.

Though with a scornful wonder
men see our clergy, dressed
In rich brocaded vestments
as slowly they process;
Yet saints their watch are keeping
lest souls be set alight
Not by the Holy Ghost, but
by incense taking flight.

Now we on earth hath union
with Lambeth, not with Rome,
Although the wags and cynics
may question our true home;
But folk masses and bingo
can't possibly depose
The works of Byrd and Tallis,
or Cranmer's stately prose.

(Here shall the organist modulate*)

So let the organ thunder,
sound fanfares "en chamade;"
Rejoice! For we are treading
where many saints have trod;
Let peals ring from the spire,
sing descants to high C,
Just don't let your elation
Disrupt the liturgy.

* Figure I can get away with this one. After all, what's an organ but a bunch of really big whistles hooked up to a bellows and a few keyboards? :wink:


Cantate Domino Canticum Novum

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Redwolf on 2002-10-03 13:22 ]</font>
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Post by The Weekenders »

Beautiful Redwolf, but you have been strangely silent re other thread about RATS and CATS.
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Post by Karina »

A blonde whistler had been wanting that Copeland low D for soooo long now that she finally decided to get it. The only problem was that she had no money. So, she pondered to herself (very carefully so as not to hurt herself), "Self, we need some money. How can we get it?"
"I know!" she replied to herself.
"We can kidnap a little child and collect ransom money, and then buy our whistle!"
Well, she decided this was an excellent idea, so the next day she drove to the nearest elementary school and nabbed a nearby child. She then handed him a note scrawled on a little piece of paper and very sternly warned this child to take it home to his mother and give it to her right away. It read:

If you ever want to see your child again, leave $50,000 cash [after all, one whistle is never enough] in a bag behind the dumpster in the alley at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning.
Signed, A Blonde

Well, the next day, the blonde drove over to the dumpster and looked behind it, and sure enough! There was her money! Attached to the bag on a tiny piece of paper was the simple question: How could you do this to a fellow blonde?!
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Post by Redwolf »

Ah, Weekenders...I've been away from the boards awhile. Back-to-school rush and all, you know.

You'll be pleased to know, however, that I've decided to attend this year's Halloween party as the Pied Piper (though given Bart and Larry's aversion to my playing, I'll probably have to use fake rats!)


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Post by Tyghress »

Two hunters are out in the woods when one of them collapses. He doesn't seem
to be breathing and his eyes are glazed. The other guy takes out his phone
and calls the emergency services.
He gasps: "My friend is dead! What can I do?" The operator says: "Calm down,
I can help. First, let's make sure he's dead." There is a silence, then a
gunshot is heard. Back on the phone, the guy says: "OK, now what?"
Remember, you didn't get the tiger so it would do what you wanted. You got the tiger to see what it wanted to do. -- Colin McEnroe
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Post by TelegramSam »

bad tasteless lightbulb joke:

How many Irish men does it take to change a lightbulb?

2. One to hold the light bulb and another to drink until the room spins around it.

*telegramsam is evil*
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