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Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2002 8:50 am
by susnfx
Well, then, Celt, where do you suggest we get the experience and learn technique/style/music if we're not allowed to attend or play at get-togethers where more experienced folks are playing? I sat through many songs at that session and didn't play because I didn't know the song. During those songs I watched others' fingering, tried to pick up the tune in my mind, and simply enjoyed the music. I never tried to play a song I didn't know. Previously I had only played alone in front of my computer or CD player. It was a great experience to play with and learn from others - thank goodness they were open enough to allow it.

By the way, did anyone else notice that if you unscramble the word "celtophile" and take away the c,e,h,i, one of the l's, and both e's, it spells "plot" ?? Scary, huh? :wink:

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: susnfx on 2002-08-06 10:50 ]</font>

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2002 8:54 am
by avanutria
Two words: Dusty Windowsill! :lol:

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2002 9:16 am
by Martin Milner
On 2002-08-06 10:30, celtophile wrote:
Matt's session cd mostly captures just good players who understand the music. If you're little "session" was meant as more of a house party of mediocrity, I can accept that.
What a lovely turn of phrase. So making friends here.

Professional musicians have been paid to play, Amateurs haven't. I don't know where this puts buskers, maybe they get their own category.

Yes, Celtophile, this was a house party for a bit of fun. Everyone would like to play like Matt Molloy and Mary Bergin, but it takes time to get there. In the meantime it's nice for friends to be able to share their efforts with each other. This is not supposed to be a professional quality CD, it's a few friends sharing a great evening they had together.

Lighten up, maybe you'll find your glass is half full too.

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2002 9:24 am
by Cees
On 2002-08-06 09:37, Martin Milner wrote:
On 2002-08-05 20:50, Brian Lee wrote:
Well, there was Kiirsi's darling little two year old sitting next to me and playing. She was good, though I'll give her a year or two before I rush out and buy her CD, but she's an up-and-comer!
Hee, hee, if Ciara was playing on her Nickel Generation F, I am happy to say I gave it to her!
She is three, actually, by the way. :wink: I can't tell you how much it made her day to be sitting in with all of you and be allowed to "play" along, feeling one of the group. She still talks about it with her eyes lit up.

Tut, tut. You gave her your very first whistle and you don't remember it was a nickel Gen *G*, not F! :smile: Actually she was playing her Sweetone because we couldn't find the Gen (to my chagrin, I realized after searching the house for it that it was right where it should be, in my whistle stand).

You guys are great!!

As for Celtophile--
I think we are all being trolled. So the best thing to do is just ignore it.

Have a great and music-filled day, everyone!

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2002 9:30 am
by avanutria
Hey Cees, be sure to play the John Ryans track for her! Maybe she'll pick up the rest of it soon =)

You can hear us talking about alohomora in one of the other tracks, too, hehe. When I find it I'll message you.

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2002 9:39 am
by Cees
I have. I've got it saved to my computer and she asks to hear it at least once a day. She sings along with the tune and dances and plays along on her whistle. She says it's her "favorite song" now.


Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2002 9:40 am
by NancyF
Ok, here goes on breaking my own rule about posting in controvercial threads...

Everyone's goals for their music are their own. The reason music is universal is that it fulfills so many human needs. If it didn't fill a variety of needs, it wouldn't be universal. For some the drive is the perfection of a form, for some the earning of a living, for some it is for social interaction, for some physical or emotional therapy. In some musical traditions there is a right/wrong, or good/bad way to play. In others it is more important that it is there for all to participate. All is music, all is valid, all fills human needs.

I think the people at the RMS know they aren't pros, but the goal wasn't to entertain an audience, to perpetuate a tradition, or to make money. The goal of their CD wasn't to be an example of the quintessential Irish session, but to serve as a momento of a great time together.

The upholding of a traditional form of music also has its place. The world would be a poorer place without those who carry on.

There is no reason that different goals for our music should divide us into hostile camps. If we recognize that everyone's goals are valid, music can be the tie that brings us together. I hate to think of a world in which music is less rich due to enforced mutual goals, or a world in which we allow music to divide us.

---the hopeful tolerant, NancyF

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2002 9:48 am
by susnfx
Thank you, Nancy. Amen.


Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2002 12:03 pm
by tkelly
On 2002-08-06 10:30, celtophile wrote:
If you're little "session" was meant as more of a house party of mediocrity, I can accept that.
"You're" is a contraction of "you are." I believe you meant "your."
I used to teach my music students to strive for impeccable technique in there playing.
"There" is not possessive. I believe you meant "their."
The music deserves that high caliber; or at least people striving for it.
In general, you want a full sentence after a semi-colon. A comma would have been appropriate here.

If you have 5 great musicians and one fumbling player.
Sentence fragment.

Everyone should have there chance to sit in with advanced players.
"There" is not possessive. See above.
No amount of words can fathom the truth.
Amount words relate to quantities of things that are measured in bulk, number to things that can be counted. Since words can be counted, you want "number of words" here.

I hope you all grow in your playing and appreciation for the music.

And I hope you learn to write the English language properly. People who cannot express themselves properly should refrain from expressing themselves at all. Or perhaps be booted until they learn to express themselves properly. (And in case you're wondering, yes I am joking.)

Celtophile, you remind me of a music teacher I once had. He turned more people off to music with his attitudes than any other single person I know. Now that I am a teacher of teachers myself, I know someone should have booted him from the teaching profession before allowing him to damage all those children.

There's nothing in the world wrong with excellence, but it would be an awfully boring world if only people who excel at something were allowed to do it.

Where's your soul, man? It's called fun, enjoyment, laughter, life!


<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: tkelly on 2002-08-06 14:04 ]</font>

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: tkelly on 2002-08-06 14:05 ]</font>

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2002 12:09 pm
by The Weekenders
Oh yeah...

Like I said, english [IRTRAD] should only be spoken [played] by professionals.

And babies jump out of the womb in business suits. Or they should, right?

But we are being trolled. And its hard to resist. But we can take deep breaths and make jokes. Works for me.

Always reasonable.

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2002 12:19 pm
by Sean
too funny. and dead on.
(how's that for poor sentense structure?)

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2002 8:35 pm
by Mack.Hoover
Beth I DO want a CD. Though what I really wanted was an LP.


Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2002 8:41 pm
by avanutria
Sorry Mack, my LP burner is in the shop! =) Drop me an email and let me know if you want audio, data (mp3), or both, and your address as I've lost it.

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2002 10:20 pm
by Mack.Hoover
Hi Beth,
Your email didn't deliver.

Actually, with my high speed connection and faster computer and I can play any and all your clips, so if you do burn me a CD just pick out what you think are the best of the best in audio. I do want you playing Hoovers, though! Also I'd like to use some tunes for my web page, since my crash wiped out the wave files I was using. (With your permission, of course)
I'll use whistles for payment!
530 Bowstring Drive
Clifton CO 81520

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2002 10:29 pm
by avanutria
My email didn't deliver because you have to take out the spamblocker (the part in capitals). Putting something like that in keeps the spam programs from snatching your email address from webpages - it will bounce for them, too.

I'll email you with the rest of my response :smile: