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Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2002 8:14 pm
by Bikehunter
Hi. I'm new to the forum. I had the name and number of a lady in Boise who had a group of Irish music fans, including whistle player that met frequently. The phone number turned out to be old and no good. Anyone know anyone of this description named Kelly (first name) in the Boise area?

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2002 8:54 pm
by avanutria
Not anyone that I know of, but welcome! I am in Boise (temporarily, internship from June to November) and there is one other whistler on this board who lives here as well. That's all I've been able to locate so far, although a group called Contraband is from here and plays music at contra dances. They were at the River fest last weekend.

Anyway, if you'd like to get together sometime, let us know!

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2002 9:00 pm
by Bikehunter
Thanks Avanutria. I'd like to get together sometime but I am a raw beginner. I talked to someone with Contraband, but they don't meet in the summer. Email me off list at

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2002 9:06 pm
by Brian Lee
Please see the topic regarding the Great Rocky Mountain Session in Salt Lake in a couple of weeks. Beth MIGHT be talked into a traveling companion, but you may want to check with her to be sure.

At any rate, for some serious exposure to session playing, and other whistlers, and types of whistles, this would be a great way to start.

Feel free to drop me an email if after looking through the threads you still have any questions.


Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2002 12:05 am
by clarinetwhistler
Hi, Johnnie.

You wouldn't happen to know Kelly's last name would you? By the way, welcome to the forum and to the world of Boise Whistlers!

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2002 1:14 am
by avanutria
Hi Johnnie -

Don't worry, we are not experts ourselves. I can learn by ear but can't read music, and am working on improving my rhythm. Paul (clarinetwhistler) can read music (quite well!) and is practicing learning by ear.

About a ride to SLC, it's possible. But technically you're still a stranger *smile*

By the way Paul, let's get together sometime later this week. I got a new music book and a Meg at Lark, and you can see the Rose. And I want to see if you made any progress with those books I lent you :smile: Do you know if you going to SLC?


Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2002 9:47 am
by Bikehunter
Hi Beth, yes I know her last name but I don't want to put it on the board. I don't even know the person. And I can't get your email to

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2002 3:15 pm
by Isilwen
I live in Idaho...

does that count? :grin:

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2002 3:15 pm
by clarinetwhistler
Beth, I'm up for getting together later this week. Let me check with Barb on her schedule and we can go from there! I'll e-mail you later this evening. Looking forward to seeing that Rose, but I won't promise that I have every tune in your books memorized by then :smile: Did you have a good time in Seattle?

Johnnie, you could do a private message to me, if you desire. Totally up to you. While not having extensive Celtic music links around the area, my wife and I do know a number of other local musicians. Just curious as whether or not we know Kelly (I know a couple of men and women by that name).

Oh, Beth, I have been working on learning by ear every chance I get. The Fourth of July was good to pick out some patriotic tunes. And, I've been trying to play tunes from the boys' videos (though they often reach a point where they ask me to stop playing because they can't hear the muppets). Now, if I ever get in a session where they know the Potty Song (from Joe's potty training video) I'm set! :smile:


Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2002 5:11 pm
by livethe question
Hey Beth,

I may have missed it when I was out of town for a week and a half, but have you told us about your Rose yet. I appreciate mine more and more every day but interested in what you think of yours

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2002 8:01 pm
by avanutria
Hey Jim -

Actually, on first impression I don't know that it's right for me. I'm planning to check it out a bit longer, and let Paul play with it, but I may end up selling it...