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Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 11:16 am
by djm
Oooh, you want to talk about pre-programming? How about the film Eraserhead? It is a total mind-fxxx. The filmmaker has intentionally used the imagery and sound track to manipulate us into expecting something to happen when suddenly ... it doesn't. It really brings home stereotypes used so often in film that we just sort of start to expect things when we see/hear certain cues. Eraserhead was always on the fringe, so not easy to find, but a great subject for a film study project.


Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 1:52 pm
by moxy
Now THAT sounds like a challenge! I will look for it :)

And the list of must-see movies just continues to grow...

PS - stay away from The Island... It's really not good...

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 1:40 am
by Flyingcursor
Tyler Morris wrote: Those are all on my fav list, man! (my wife hates em though!)
I'm not sure how folks feel about the imagery in George A. Romero's Living Dead series, but I love zombie films too.
28 Days Later, remake of Dawn of the Dead was pretty good. (sure as hell was not a psychobabble movie! :twisted: )
I loved Shaun of the Dead! Bout peed meself!
By the way...anyone seen the new Romero film yet?
I've been a big fan of the "Dead" movies since I saw the first NOTLD around 1973. I haven't seen the new one yet. I'm waiting for the DVD.

I liked the remake of DOTD but didn't like how the zombies had been restyled.

Shaun is the r0x0rz. If you've been a zombie flick fan then a there's a lot of subtle references in Shaun.

Let's not forget the classic spoof, "Return of the Living Dead".

Memorable lines from some zombie movies:

Night of the Living Dead 1:
"They're coming to get you Barbara."
"Stop it Johnny, they'll hear you."
"They're dead. They're all messed up."
"Hell, any five good men could do that."

Dawn of the Dead 1:
"What the hell is it?"
"I think it's one of those 'shopping malls'."
"My grandfather in Trinidad said....."
"Wake up flyboy, we're thieves. Badguys."

Day of the dead.
(I can't recall a single line :sniffle: )

Return of the Living Dead
"You mean the movie lied?"
"Send more cops."
"Have you ever fantisized about being killed?"

"They're coming to get you Barbara."
"She can drive. Her daddy's got trucks."
"Is he dead?" BLAM "Is he dead?" BLAM
"There's another one for the fire."

Dawn of the Dead 2
(only seen it 3 times. Need more time.)

Shaun of the Dead
"We're coming to get you Barbara."

Come on Tyler M. I know you can come up with some.