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Re: VDay

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 1:25 pm
by jsluder
avanutria wrote:We don't bother with Valentine's Day. It's not necessary in our house.
Ditto. February 14th has no significance in our relationship. We celebrate our birthdays and our wedding anniversary; those dates have personal meaning for us.

Re: VDay

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 1:58 pm
by rebl_rn
Being single - with no significant other at the present - Valentine's Day really stinks.

Re: VDay

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 2:19 pm
by Wanderer
BigDavy wrote:
Wanderer wrote:For Valentine's Day, we're shooing the kids out of the house and I'm cooking my girlfriend salmon mousse stuffed portobello mushrooms with white wine butter sauce (buerre blanc). Served by candlelight, naturally. In the center of the table will be a red glass vase with an arrangement of white lilies and a single red rose in the middle. After dinner will be a candlelit black currant and vanilla aromatherapy soak in the tub, with soft music in the background.

A girl needs to be pampered every now and then...

(after she's all aswoon from my valentines day attentions, I plan on offering her an engagement ring. Padding my chances, you see. :wink: )
Good luck with the amatory plans :thumbsup:

Hope she likes the ring...

Re: VDay

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 3:53 pm
by mutepointe
We got the 2009 St. Valentine's Day Musical Challenge out in the mail and we're starting to receive e mail from people who have received it. I expect they'll be hinting for hints soon.

We're both home sick with colds/flus so I'll be making a nice soup tomorrow. Today was canned stew.

Once on a 02/15 the man in the line behind me saw me buying a box of valentine chocolates. He said to me, "You're in big trouble." I said, "What?" He said, "Yesterday was Valentine's Day." and I said, "Oh, I would have been in big trouble with my wife if I paid full price for these chocolates."

Re: VDay

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 5:43 pm
by Charlene
We will give each other cards and small presents (probably chocolates). After work we plan to go to a contra dance.

My mother-in-law always makes us a card, but we have to stop over at her place and pick it up because "stamps are too expensive".

Re: VDay

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 7:08 pm
by CHasR
I'm performing at a wedding! ( mind you.. the bride wants to process to 'Amazing Grace" Image )

but its romantical nevertheless... :love:

Then we're dropping the kids off at auntie's
then we're going out for Indian! (Navratan korma, anyone..? it's BYOB: I'm thinking merlot...)
then back home to #*^%@&% the #*&$ out of Mrs CHasR,
and then we're picking up the kids.

Soundtrack: 'Tannhauser' Act I, 'Liebestod', Motown.

Re: VDay

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 8:11 pm
by dwest
Bah! Humbug! I hate VD, other STDs too! Oops! too medical :o

Re: VDay

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 8:13 pm
by mukade
What a miserable bunch of sods.

Valentine too commercial nya nya nya.
Our relationships is strong enough without it nya nya nya.

It's only a box of chocos yer stingy gits.

I bet yer kick Chelsea pensioners for wearing bright colours, too.


Re: VDay

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 8:22 pm
by cowtime
Innocent Bystander wrote:I'm planning a big massacre. Got the tommy guns and ammunition - period pieces, but ya gotta do these things right. The gangs are arranged to meet at the big brick wall, and we have the jalopies all ready around the corner. We'll slay 'em!
Now this is my kind of celebration of the day!
Gotta love the twenties.
Can I be a gun moll?

Re: VDay

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 9:05 pm
by Doug_Tipple
Valentine's Day is an opportunity to celebrate romance. My wife and I both feel that it is our good fortune to have found each other, both of us having spent years living alone. My wife still has her Valentine card from last year out in a conspicuous place on the kitchen table. She has been reminding me about Valentine's Day for two weeks, fearful that I might forget. She needn't worry though. I'm prepared with card and small gift. This year we have a house guest, so I'm not sure how we will celebrate the day.

Re: VDay

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 9:44 pm
by anniemcu
Hubby sent me an audio valentine... "Happy Together" by the Turtles... :love:

We regularly celebrate our good fortune at finding one another, ... don't really need V-day for it... but it's a nice excuse for a little extra.

I need a bag of M&Ms or a 6-pack of Hershey bars... mayhap I will feel unsick enough tomorrow to go out and procure said goodies. If not, I'll draft a daughter.

Re: VDay

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 1:36 am
by rebl_rn
cowtime wrote:
Innocent Bystander wrote:I'm planning a big massacre. Got the tommy guns and ammunition - period pieces, but ya gotta do these things right. The gangs are arranged to meet at the big brick wall, and we have the jalopies all ready around the corner. We'll slay 'em!
Now this is my kind of celebration of the day!
Gotta love the twenties.
Can I be a gun moll?

Not to go off topic, but today my dad was reading an article in our local free paper about how an unarmed police officer in our county arrested a big-time Chicago mobster back in 1933. The gangster's name was Roger Touhy - a crony of Capone.

My dad says to me - "Oh, Roger Touhy! My Uncle Tommy was his cell mate!"

Just one of our family's small claims to fame, I guess.

Re: VDay

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 6:43 am
by Thomaston
CHasR wrote:I'm performing at a wedding! ( mind you.. the bride wants to process to 'Amazing Grace" Image )

but its romantical nevertheless... :love:

Then we're dropping the kids off at auntie's
then we're going out for Indian! (Navratan korma, anyone..? it's BYOB: I'm thinking merlot...)
then back home to #*^%@&% the #*&$ out of Mrs CHasR,
and then we're picking up the kids.

Soundtrack: 'Tannhauser' Act I, 'Liebestod', Motown.

That's one lucky dude, consolidating VD and an anniversary like that!

Re: VDay

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 8:23 am
by Innocent Bystander
cowtime wrote:
Innocent Bystander wrote:I'm planning a big massacre. Got the tommy guns and ammunition - period pieces, but ya gotta do these things right. The gangs are arranged to meet at the big brick wall, and we have the jalopies all ready around the corner. We'll slay 'em!
Now this is my kind of celebration of the day!
Gotta love the twenties.
Can I be a gun moll?

Sure thing, Baby Doll! Stick with me and we'll go places. Need Ammo?

Re: VDay

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 8:56 am
by mutepointe
anniemcu wrote:Hubby sent me an audio valentine... "Happy Together" by the Turtles... :love:

We regularly celebrate our good fortune at finding one another, ... don't really need V-day for it... but it's a nice excuse for a little extra.

I need a bag of M&Ms or a 6-pack of Hershey bars... mayhap I will feel unsick enough tomorrow to go out and procure said goodies. If not, I'll draft a daughter.
Oh, lucky you. When my wife & I were just friends, that was one of the first songs that we would play together on the piano at the same time. It really saves a lot of time learning a song if you only have to play 1/2 a song/one hand of a song. Thanks for the memory.