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.wav to .abc Converter?

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 3:33 am
by Terry McGee
Almost hesitating to open yet another topic relating to Reel Time Tuning Analysis (note the qualification "almost" - has this man no shame?), but I wondered if the output from Tartini could be used to convert audio, in the form of .wav files, into notation, in the form of our beloved .abc files? Certainly Tartini can generate musical score from sound recordings, although they are not parsed for bar lines etc. I wonder if any of our compu-speakers would like to look at the Tartini output to see if there is scope here for post-processing. I'm happy to provide some output.

Or am I living in the past? Do we already have a .wav to .abc converter?



Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 5:00 am
by andyras2
I think thats a great idea Terry, something that occured to me recently.

What about going from session recordings to abc to sht music, by the end of the night I'd have a 100 more tunes to learn :) complete with names.

PS I don't think it exists yet. well not for sessions anyway... BTW keep your pursuit up.


Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 12:23 pm
by KateG
I think audacity will do wav to midi, and tabledit does midi to dots and will output as dots or abc (if I remember correctly). However, my experience with turning recordings to dots was not been very satisfactory because computers are SO literal. They catch and notate all the minute variations in timing, producing measures with 64th note rests, dotted 32nd notes etc. There may be a way to make the program less sensitive, but I couldn't/didn't figure it out. I ended up using a mix of the mish-mosh print-out and my ears to produce a new, clean version of the dots. Worked, but was not much faster than just using my ears.

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 8:47 am
by highwood
I believe Audacity imports midi but does not export midi from a sound file.

Tartini does convert sound to midinotes - the export as text exports as midi notes I believe along with the time, but not a midi file

It is possible to convert midi to music - Sibelius ($$ but good) for example does this. It is hard to do because it is hard to program computers to be flexible on timings (or so it seems).

Also Widisoft has some software that does sound to notes.

Maybe it would be possible to at least do something that would help the transcription process.

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 9:04 am
by highwood
So midi note number to abc note - easy

length of notes & varying tempo, what to do with all those blips, slides, grace notes, cuts, taps, trills, etc - not so easy

And of course we are probably not interested in tunes specially played with a metronome and without embellishments. Though if it worked that would be an easy way to transcribe a tune you know. The latter of course is already possible with a midi instrument.

Study it enough and maybe you'll discover the secret to the 'swing' as in "It don't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing" - note there is swing in many kinds of music (might I say in all good music, drum machines need not apply).